DIY Mountain Bike Fenders?

So Amazon and AliExpress are both full of MT fenders like these.

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They tend to cost 5-15 dollars which IMO is stupid for a price of sheet plastic with some holes cyst in them. So I figured I could do it cheaper.

These “chopping mats” are 2/$1 at Dollar Tree. So I bought two sets, just Incase I boched it the first time.

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And the end result of 10 minutes of work.

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I don’t think it looks horrible, but it’s not great either. They certainly should work tho. I’mkind of excited to see how long they last. Spring is in full sing in northern Wi, with temps in the 50s forecasted this week, it’s going to be a long wet spring too win all the snow fall we got, so these are going to come in handy if the work.