For Better Or Worse

There is one less highlighter green (Hyper Green for the OEM color nerds) Renegade in the world. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is up to you.

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Screenshot: My brother in law.

My sister’s mother in law had just recently purchased it, they wanted this color specifically. The Trax she hit faired a lot worse. Thankfully due to the miracle Of modern cars no one was seriously injured. My brother in law says the Trax rolled several times.

Illustration for article titled For Better Or Worse
Graphic: Tacos
Illustration for article titled For Better Or Worse
Graphic: Chalupa

Also the other day I spotted a Bikini Peal one. Such a great color! Too bad it’s discontinued. Whomp whomp.

Illustration for article titled For Better Or Worse
Illustration: Tumblr probably