Crazy Uncle™ Update: He sold the 560SL last month for $8k in cash and picked up an E38 7 Series as his new project!

Illustration for article titled Crazy Uncle™ Update: He sold the 560SL last month for $8k in cash and picked up an E38 7 Series as his new project!
Illustration for article titled Crazy Uncle™ Update: He sold the 560SL last month for $8k in cash and picked up an E38 7 Series as his new project!
Illustration for article titled Crazy Uncle™ Update: He sold the 560SL last month for $8k in cash and picked up an E38 7 Series as his new project!

Other than knowing it's an E38, I don't know what trim level it is. He takes "3-5 business days to respond" so all I know for now is that he has it. I'm going to Chicago tomorrow until Monday, so I'll definitely find out more and update y'all. As for now, here it is!