I'm back yet again (Integra update and pics underneath this crime to humanity that I'm ashamed to admit I kinda like)

Illustration for article titled Im back yet again (Integra update and pics underneath this crime to humanity that Im ashamed to admit I kinda like)

Made this in about 5 minutes of boredom between online classes. Onto the slightly more interesting stuff: the Integra is coming along very nicely, there was recently an ECU problem that put it in limp mode (wouldn’t go over 20mph) because it was tuned by the previous owner to run higher displacement injectors compared to the ones that were in. My friend fixed the tune and now it runs fine. Also, I was able to stop by the house it was stored at and painted the valve cover for the hell of it as well as help my friend with rust repair. It’s starting to look slightly better, could use some rims and fresh paint though. Anyways how’s shit been around here with everyone?

This is the first time I’ve done anything like this so don’t judge
This is the first time I’ve done anything like this so don’t judge
C l e a n
C l e a n
JDM as fuk
JDM as fuk