Wheels and customer service

I want to buy new wheels for the ‘burb. These wheels.

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Following advice of many on Oppo, I searched and found a place locally that does take-offs. I’m more than happy to support a local business.

Go to their website, call the number, no pickup. Message says text for quicker service. I text (yesterday around lunch).


NOTHING. No reply at all.

I search today on eBay because I’m impatient. Find a set of wheels (with tires I don’t want), and lo and behold the seller is the SAME PLACE I texted yesterday.


I message them through eBay, tell them I’m local, and ask if they will just sell the wheels. They respond within an hour and say yes, they will. I message back and ask where they are (web site says they are moving in December and lists old and new locations) and can I come pick them up.

Nothing back. OK, it has only been an hour now, but really? Don’t respond to a text at all, message back once, then not?


I clearly want to exchange my money for your goods, is it that hard?


If you know a place online that does take-offs and is reliable let me know.  Other than being impatient, one of the front tires on my current wheels (which are 22", the ones I want are 20") is getting close to replacement status.