Toby's First Unscheduled Vet Visit

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Came home from the gym yesterday morning to Toby less than excited than he normally was. I assumed he was tired since it was 6:30AM. As I unpacked and changed, I hear him whimpering while he scratches his ear. A quick look sees some scabbing on the inside of his one year. There’s no blood or other fluid, but it is more oily than normal. Being the overbearing dog dad I am, I took a personal day off of work and got him to the vet.

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Good news, Toby almost doubled his weight since we got him! A hefty 53lbs now. He still hates the vet, except when the doc’s feed him canned cheese. He would only stop crying if I carried him like a baby.

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Turned out to be a bacteria infection. Not sure of the source yet. He gets a bath bi-weekly. His backyard is mostly grass and very few brush. He has to take some medicine, and some treatment cream in his ear twice a day. Little guy is on the road to recovery.

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