All This Talk of The Bronco...

The Bronco Sport (BS? should I start that trend?) has been catching my eye more than the bigger brother. The Bronco is sweet, don’t get me wrong. But my take is similar to the Bronco’s competitor Wrangler: I would love to rent or borrow someone’s for a weekend or vacation, but I don’t want to own one.

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Photo: Ford

I’ve been a sucker for smaller off-road capable vehicles. The manual Renegade I owned for a minute was tons of fun on and off the road. This BS (still trying to get it to stick) seems to compete more with the Cherokee in size I think. If so, this may blow the Cherokee out of the water. Now, if I can get one with the steelies and the upper trim 2.0 ecoboost, you may have a buyer next year.