She Literally Can Do It All

Had my first two-day race weekend. Drove down early Saturday with the usual cargo packed. But this time, a twin mattress and some bedding came with as well (along with a large cooler full of adult beverages). I’m no stranger to the mattress in the van. I’ve slept back there under different circumstances: intentional or not. While everyone else had their own separate campers, tents, or hammocks, I slept in the race rig. About half of the field stuck around and camped overnight. Such a great ambiance of friendly people throwing some back and swapping stories (and lighting off some leftover fireworks from the 4th). I wish I could do this every weekend.

I’m only a little hungover here
I’m only a little hungover here
Image: Karl Munson

The site is on the land of a regional member who graciously lets us rip his ground apart a few times a summer. Super nice guy who cooked meals for all of us throughout the weekend. It makes me want to buy a house with enough land to host events as well. I’d say at least 10 acres or so with no close neighbors, or neighbors that are cool with race car noises.

That Miata has won nationals in Modified Rear in the past
That Miata has won nationals in Modified Rear in the past
Photo: Scott Zimmerman

Not sure if the new wing was the reason, but took home two Stock Front 1st trophies. 8th overall out of 24 on day 1, 14th overall day 2. A VW Corrado with a great driver was nipping at my heels all weekend, made for some exciting competition. It was dusty, it was gritty, and it especially was greasy.

Illustration for article titled She Literally Can Do It All
Photo: Scott Zimmerman