Doggo post

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On a night when the weather radar looks like this (and looked like that all day, which never really happens in Southern NM), the doggos find ways to cope.

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Shelby, assisted by anti-anxiety meds, made herself a nest on the spare bed while I oppo. Soft places to lay are very important to her. She seriously dislikes storms, and even light rain seems to bother her a bit more in this house because the sound of it hitting the skylights. The one thing that is better for her storm wise in the new house is that we tend to get a fraction of close lightening strikes the old house did. The old house was at the top of the neighborhood, that was entirely up on top of a mesa and right next door to a couple of big water tanks and a seriously tall radio tower. That neighborhood got seriously close lighting strikes constantly during monsoon season, with the towers being struck with some regularity.

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This is actually a success, because without a half dose of her prescribed for inclement weather Trazodone she would be cowering in a closet or bathtub thinking her doggie world was ending.


I suppose this is also a preview to the latest addition of bedroomlopnik. I’ve completed the spare bedroom and hallway, which together with the other bedroomlopnik and bathroomlopnik means I’m about 1/3 of the way done updating the 1990 out of the house.

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Ellie, as any proper head of household security should, cares not about things like weather. She is, however, annoyed that I pointed a camera in her general direction.