Pajero fog lights, done.

Illustration for article titled Pajero fog lights, done.

I wired up the old school Bosch fog lights tonight after mounting them last night. Because someone took the original fog lights and brush bar off the truck before it was exported (probably because they sell for a small fortune on eBay), I mounted them in some of the original holes in the bumper and hooked them up to the oem wiring and switch.

Illustration for article titled Pajero fog lights, done.

These lights would’ve originally been hanging under the bumper of something like an early 80's BMW or 911. It felt wrong to even think about putting them on a modern truck, so they hung on a garage wall for more than decade before the Pajero came along. I’m glad I’ve got something to do with them, and I like the way the came out on the truck. After all, defacing the Pajero with a bro-truck light bar might be a mortal sin, or at least it should be.

Illustration for article titled Pajero fog lights, done.

They’re aimed nice and low, and testing tonight reveals they should be useful. I don’t know how many watts those halogen bulbs are in the fogs, but it might be all of them. They get plenty hot in a hurry.

Illustration for article titled Pajero fog lights, done.

With the water pump and this project done, I finally put the two front skid plates back on the truck.