Pajero Audio Project, part 2

Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: I

I had also ordered some new speakers for the dash corners to go along with the new head unit installed yesterday evening.

Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: Me

I removed the grills to find the expected, factory 26 year-old speakers underneath. To Mitsubishi Electronic’s credit and my surprise, they were in fantastic shape. I’ve never seen factory speakers that old in that good of condition.

Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: Me
Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: Mine

They’re both like speakers, only smaller. The options aren’t unlimited in 4" speakers, so some relatively basic Kenwoods found their way to my house with the head unit. They fit nicely, and the sound is improved and more full over the original speakers. Mids are a lot clearer, and while I doubt any 4" speaker is going to wow with bass output, these have noticeably a bit more down low. This feels like $40 well spent.

Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: myself
Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: me the great

Because there’s no creep like project creep, I went ahead and ordered some new 5 1/4" speakers for the front doors. They should be here Friday.

Illustration for article titled Pajero Audio Project, part 2
Photo: I myself

As a bonus project, I also removed the back seat from the truck. I have no use for it, and I bought the truck as an adventure mobile. That specifically means guaranteed dry place to sleep. There is now so much more room for activities!


Holy hell is the backseat heavy. The 3rd row from a gmt400 suburban weighs a whole lot less. That thing weighs at least 150lbs. I’ll have to clean the carpet under the seat this weekend.