Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos

(its actually a samsung galaxy j7 pop or some shit - cheap phone is the point. also fuck kinja, photos show up right on my computer for some reason...?)

this was awesome. Got to see a bunch of neat shit, including porsche 959, e30 wagon with turbofan wheels, stef’s porsche (I assume - it was full of stuffed chickenducks and stripped interior, had to be right?), escort cosworth (loved the british/aussie guy next to me saying ITS A FUCKING COSSIE the whole time)


Ferrari pics were for my dad, outside of the f40 there, the ferraris dont do much for me.

I saw a ton of stuff I’ve owned and regret selling (technically I regret selling any car):

sw20 mr2

e30 coupe (the one with the m62 was awesome, my buddy had the silver e30 with the recaro seat, and we argued if that swap is heresy or not for 15mins)


w123 (mine was a 240d though)

also I have enough money to do a decent 90s civic build now, I kind of want to for the sake of my childhood


Ironically, I did not see a single integra, not even in the parking lot (this was the invite image https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F53704845%2F10416302265%2F1%2Foriginal.20181207-211041?w=1000&auto=compress&rect=0%2C0%2C2048%2C1024&s=1d852202e6006c16451c667049469b58)

but it was the reunion of clown shoes, I counted 4 in the parking lot...

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Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos
Illustration for article titled Radwood Austin iPotatoe photos