My house is wired like a 1980’s Jaguar + bonus dog

Considering I just spent 3.5 hours turning a double box into a triple box to control a new fan/light combo in my bathroom. Nothing is wired per any standards and they used #12 on everything which has torn the shit out of my fingers.

Here is the almost finished product. The one supply wire is feeding three lights and 5 outlets!

Illustration for article titled My house is wired like a 1980’s Jaguar + bonus dog

The other box for the fucked up three way switch, no red does not go there!

Illustration for article titled My house is wired like a 1980’s Jaguar + bonus dog

Pupper for your enjoyment, in his standard summer sleeping spot.

Illustration for article titled My house is wired like a 1980’s Jaguar + bonus dog

Huskies, never let this one off his rope or leash.