Flathead County Police Blotter

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12:29 a.m. A Kalispell man reported another man sitting on the side of the road waving his arms around. Thinking the man was in danger, the reporting party stopped to see if he was OK. The waving man said he was and told the good Samaritan to “get out of here.”

12:43 a.m. A local woman was looking in a ditch along Montana Highway 35 for the wallet that she lost while motorcycling the day before.


12:47 a.m. A wealthy Kalispell resident called 911 to announce he had hand sanitizer that he was willing to give away.

1:02 a.m. A Canadian man called to see if someone could check on his second home down in the Flathead Valley.


3:47 a.m. Someone reported seeing “vagrants” but added “they weren’t causing problems.”

3:56 a.m. Someone reported seeing a man in the ditch near Bigfork. The caller thought the man might have been hit by a car. Deputies responded to the scene and discovered that the man had not been hit by a car but was ready to fight anyone who bothered him.


4:39 a.m. A tool shed and chicken coop in Columbia Falls burst into flames.

6:06 a.m. A Kalispell resident called to report that there’s been a lot of mail theft going on recently.


7:21 a.m. Someone called to report an injured deer in their front yard. The animal had tried to stand up a few times, the caller said, but couldn’t get going.

7:22 a.m. A Kalispell man said his friend would not stop texting him.

9:54 a.m. A local resident sitting on the couch somehow pocket-dialed 911. The resident had no idea how it happened and was incredibly sorry that it did.


10:52 a.m. A Marion resident said someone ran her off the road.

11:21 a.m. A Columbia Falls man reported that someone was driving a beat-up Subaru around his neighborhood and it was starting to creep him out.


11:25 a.m. A Whitefish dog bit a man.