Progress on the Datsun seats-Update...

Update: Well I was able to finish the strapping on the bottom and actually instal the vinyl on the bottom section quite easily. Then I started on the back rest... Well it turns out the backrest cover that was provied is about 2.5" shorter than the OEM cover so someone done messed up and sent me the wrong cover or they sewed it wrong. I’m really bummed because this process to this point has been pretty easy.

Illustration for article titled Progress on the Datsun seats-Update...
Photo: Damn Datsun

After about one hour of work I was able to remove the passenger seat, remove the old coverings, glue in the new foam and start installing the new straps. I’ve never done this before so this is learn as you go. The old seat frames are very thin and had more rust than the rest of the car combined. Hog ties? I guess that’s how they did things 50 years ago.

When this is done this might be the single biggest improvement to this car I’ve made.

Illustration for article titled Progress on the Datsun seats-Update...
Photo: Datsuns are forever and they rust
Illustration for article titled Progress on the Datsun seats-Update...
Photo: Datsuns are forever and they rust
Illustration for article titled Progress on the Datsun seats-Update...
Photo: Datsuns are forever and they rust