I’m just going to sulk

Was going to go for a ride but it’s 50 and rainy. That means going for a drive in the Datsun is also off the table. I can only do so much cleaning and pickup.

I installed a new rear derailure on my sons bike along with cable and housing. Not easy but not especially hard either. It’s shifting great again. I just dusted my bike and cleaned and lubed the chain.


We are supposed to do a good length ride tomorrow if the weather cooperates. I’m not riding in the rain or snow with children tho.

The next project on the Datsun is the transmission mount, maybe new u joints on the drive shaft or a new rear diff to eliminate some vibration I’m getting at higher speeds. I am also going to pull the bumpers, straighten them out and put on new bumper rubber.

Illustration for article titled I’m just going to sulk
Photo: A hard rains gonna fall...
Photo: A hard rains gonna fall...
Photo: A hard rains gonna fall...
Photo: A hard rains gonna fall...
Photo: A hard rains gonna fall...