Catching up on a few things...

Rotated the tires on the Kona... We’ve still got a solid month of needing the winter tires on (mostly for mud), and they were a bit overdue due to lambing, and then diverticulitis... That was quick and easy.

Then I did the rear brakes on the truck...

I’ve seen worse rotors, the lipping isn’t too bad and they don’t show any signs of hot-spotting, but I had to hammer them pretty hard to get ‘em off, and they now have dents...
I’ve seen worse rotors, the lipping isn’t too bad and they don’t show any signs of hot-spotting, but I had to hammer them pretty hard to get ‘em off, and they now have dents...
These pads on the other hand, are D U N.
These pads on the other hand, are D U N.
Everything came apart really easily (aside from having to beat the rotors off with a sledge hammer, but in the North East we expect that), and I actually have to give Ford credit for a really easy to service caliper/carrier design.
Everything came apart really easily (aside from having to beat the rotors off with a sledge hammer, but in the North East we expect that), and I actually have to give Ford credit for a really easy to service caliper/carrier design.

Then, with everything apart, up on jack stands, I opened the EBC box from Auto Anything... Nope. These are the wrong rotors.

Part number matches the order, pads are correct, but whatever these are for its *NOT* a 2018 F150. They have a drum for a concentric parking brake... Wrong diameter too... Though the bolt pattern and hub diameter is correct though, so maybe another Ford product?
Part number matches the order, pads are correct, but whatever these are for its *NOT* a 2018 F150. They have a drum for a concentric parking brake... Wrong diameter too... Though the bolt pattern and hub diameter is correct though, so maybe another Ford product?


This is the first time I’ve ever gotten a wrong part from A A, and these EBC rotors were *NOT* cheap :P


In the mean time it’s 4:30, and were under non-essential shopping ban... I call the local O’Reilly’s and they say they are out of stock in all New England warehouses and ETA is a week+. (might as well wait for the correct part from AutoAnything...)

Double Fuck.

So I call the local(ish) Ford dealer, almost an hour away... Guy says they have one pair in stock, and the computer shows the part on backorder from Ford (what, does everyone change their rotors at the same exact time?) , they are closing at five... “But hey, I live just up the road from you, give me a CC by phone, and I’ll bring them home with me and drop them off!”



I go to the barn to do things and then come back to find a voice message... “credit card won’t go through, call me back” I call back... Switchboard says parts dpt already went home.



The truck is hanging halfway out of the garage on jackstands, so we can’t close the door and the geese are getting in and fucking shit up, like geese do... So Mrs. BoostAddict and I jerry rig a goose blocking system with some pallets and two folding tables and head in to drown our sorrows and pray the geese don’t get in and destroy shit overnight...


Then a shiny black F350 comes down our driveway and a guy gets out with a pair of brake rotors!

Parts dude brought them anyway! I pay him with a check, thank him profusely and finish the job... Hayes Ford retains me as a customer. Thanks guys! 

Its easy when you have the right parts...
Its easy when you have the right parts...

Goes together quick and easy, disassembled the goose blockade (they were fucking with it and pulling on the folding table, they probably would have gotten it down soon), wheels back on, down off the jack stands, give the sheep another bale of hay, post to Oppo, shower time.