Went to my first Cars and Coffee

Actually, I went to Sam’s and was a little annoyed that half the parking lot was blocked off and it took 15 minutes to find a parking space. But, after shopping I did go check out the cars.

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If you’ve never been to a Cars and Coffee event let me paint a picture for you what it sounds like: rev, rev, rev, rev, rev, rev, reeeeev, rev. Rev, rev, rev, reeev, reeeeeev, rev. Rev, rev, rev, and repeat. While I’m sure each individual car there had a great sounding exhaust, when EVERYONE is revving their engines at the same time it just becomes noise pollution.

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Which brings me to the cars themselves. Cars and Coffee doesn’t really describe the event. A better name would be Sports Cars and Coffee. Or maybe Sports Cars, Supercars, and Coffee.

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It’s not that I don’t like seeing sports cars, but there were so many Lamborghinis, Ferraris, McLarens, and Porsches (all parked together by make) that none of them really stood out and they all seemed to blend together. Don’t get me wrong, they were almost all special editions with crazy colors but I would have liked some variety.

There were a few random interesing cars out there, most of which I couldn’t take a picture because there were too many people. An 80s Ford LTD stood out with a gigantic engine under the hood. It wasn’t flashy at all and must have been quite the sleeper.

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My favorite vehicle was this Chevy truck. I don’t know much about trucks, but in a sea of sports cars it was unique, had a presence, and definitely stood out.

Since I was just there to shop I didn’t have my nice camera so I only took a few pics.

Also I had my kids with me so we didn’t stay very long (the constant engine noise was too much). I am going to try and find out when the next event is and see what other cars are out there.