2018 in Review - Teaser 1

Last night I wrote up a reflection on the year. I don’t know if I’m going to share that version, might be a bit too personal, but I’ve done some reflecting recently regardless. Including going through all the pictures on my iCloud and saving the best ones of the year.

There’s 94, and these aren’t necessarily high quality pictures: best in my view means best memories. I mostly use my phone to capture moments, not images. So here’s a teaser, with more to come as we wrap up 2018

Illustration for article titled 2018 in Review - Teaser 1

This is genuinely one of my favorite autocross related pictures ever. Not just because it’s a cool picture, but because it was taken by my father who, after 4 years of my participation in the sport, finally aligned a visit along with my mother to experience me participating in what has been such a huge part of my life.