
I think I have my spec figured out, but I can’t decide color.

Build: Black Diamond + V6 + Mid package, around $41k. Seems like the best “my friends are pressuring me to off road but I don’t want to spend $50k” build I can come up with. Big Bend can add the rear locking diff and ends up around $39k, but doesn’t get the steel bumpers, bash plate, and marine grade vinyl of the Black Diamond. You can add the front bumper and bash plate to Big Bend but still have cloth seats. Seeing as I intend to have the roof off a lot, vinyl seems like a good feature.


Anyways - Orange or Red?

Illustration for article titled Bronco
Image: Ferd
Illustration for article titled Bronco
Gif: Ferd (AP)

I feel like in many pictures the orange looks like a school bus. Not sure how I feel about it. Red is very outside of my normal color palette, but that’s part of the appeal - trying to bring some color to the world. I already own a blue car and it’s not going anywhere, so I don’t want a blue Bronco.
