[Politics] Rudy is nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake...

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Illustration for article titled [Politics] Rudy is nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake...
Photo: who’s a good girl? wanna fetch the ball?

He just said the Democrats must think he’s stupid, trying to count mail in ballots “that could have come from Mars, or Canada, or could simply be one person who sent in 100,000 votes”

Yes, Rudy, you probably have a few screws loose if you think there’s people on MARS casting votes, or that thousands of Canadians would sneak across the border and impersonate Americans just to vote. Or that the post office wouldn’t notice a guy dropping off 100,000 ballot envelopes... smh


I used to look up to the guy, he used to be a contender, a hero even, but they say you should never meet your heros in person and evidently you shouldn’t let them grow old, either.