Of happenings

So as I’ve let OPPO know over the last couple months we’re planning on making a big move to the SF Bay Area. As my wife and I have lived in this house for 10 years it means there’s a ton of shit to clean up and projects that were never gotten to kicked out. One poor soul this weekend was my 63 Willys CJ6. It ended up being a money pit and had no title but I was still sad to see it go.

Illustration for article titled Of happenings

I took off from Thanksgiving through last Friday so I got a lot done, sold a lot of shit on FB marketplace, rented a 20 yard dumpster and filled the damn thing. Fixed a ton of stuff around the house and took more runs to goodwill than I care to think about. I am sore as hell and almost glad to be back at work today.

A 73 CB750 left the property yesterday, it was complete but rough so no pics necessary. It just followed me home for free and got stuck in a shed with an ‘I’ll do something with you later’ note in my head.


Aso got rid of my enduros which was also sad, but never got to do much with them.

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I was a bit sad to send my 79 Goldwing down the road on Thursday. That one was strange. I lost the keys for it (I’m an idiot) so I was asking $300 for it just to get it gone. Someone drove 5 hours one way to pick it up! They drove 10 hours in a day for a bike that in perfect shape is worth $1500 - some people are crazy.

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Next to go is scout. I had it listed a month or so ago but had too many tire kickers and no real interest so I took it down. It’ll probably o back up this weekend.

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It’s a strange and unnerving thing to get rid of things you’ve spent a decade gathering. I’m trying not to value them in how much I made or lost on them, but just sending them on to new homes for someone else to love.

On job news I got an offer from one company in San Jose. It’s an engineering firm and the salary is what I asked for but the benefits are terrible. 1.5% 401K match, mediocre health insurance that costs over $500 a month to me only two weeks vacation and a few other things plus very little money for relocation. Not to toot my horn too much but I’m a very good IT Systems Engineer and especially in the small corner of IT where I’ve specialized there are very few people like me, I think I’m going to pass on this offer.


Related I’d interviewed with one of the big FAANG companies back in early November and it went well but they’d kept pushing back the date of a decision and the recruiter has been blowing me off. Good thing about this offer is that I reached out with news I had another offer and they all of a sudden got right back gave me the information I’d been asking for a while. Final interview of candidates for the position are today, the recruiter also told me he’d push them for a fast decision and that the feedback on me had been excellent but they ‘couldn’t make an official decision until the finished the interviews’. I may be reading into it too much, but that sounds promising to me.

So thanks for reading my ramblings and giving me an awesome place to let this out as 2 people (Wife and a friend) know about this. I’ve appreciated all advice that I’ve gotten and this community is just generally awesome!