Getting rid of excess tech is hard

So my wife and I have been cleaning up the house preparing for a big move. The bad part is we’ve lived in a large house for 10 years and we each like to collect various things and are both tinkerers. This has led to entirely too much stuff! The folks at Goodwill know who I am now, and I’ve also been spending a ton of time selling things on FB marketplace.

Occasionally I come across something that makes me go ‘damn this is neat but I should get rid of it anyway because I don’t have that much use for it’. Last night that happened.

Illustration for article titled Getting rid of excess tech is hard

This was actually my spare N64 - I have another in better shape. I fired it up to test last night and it worked perfectly, popped each of these games in (that are either duplicates or I don’t play) and tested the controllers (which both have a bit too much play in the joystick for my taste) and put it on FB.


Aso yes I played GoldenEye on it before it got listed

Illustration for article titled Getting rid of excess tech is hard

These things make me sad that I’ve had this in a drawer for nearly 10 years for little actual reason other than it being a spare. My house, garage and basement are all full of these sort of things. Hell last night I also found a PS2 and a ton of games in the same cabinet.

As someone who’s going through their vast collections this year, try to keep everything at same levels. It’s exhausting to deal with it after. I have a stack of hard drives and old laptops I don’t want to deal with but have to.


PS - if you live near St Louis and want some old tech it’s yours. I have several older towers and laptops stacked up waiting to go to the e-waste place.