All about perspective

My old Newfoundland has likes to lay across the hallway between mine and my wife’s offices. This would normally not be of note except that she is 110#, over 6 feet when standing on her back legs and has a counter height nose when on all fours. When she sprawls she becomes quite an obstacle and since she’s 10 and a half has arthritis so we feel bad making her move so just gingerly step around her.

Illustration for article titled All about perspective
Photo: Me - not you - since you don’t have any liability for it this is my photo!

Recently she’s started to lay like this pressed against the wall looking like my hallway is a MC Escher painting and is about to jump off the wall. It makes me laugh every time I see her like this.

Nothing else to report this morning Oppo - just sharing the randomness of my day at the moment.