I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...

It was a pain to get the brake dust off of the front wheels.

Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...
Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...
Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...
Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...
Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...
Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...

But uh, it really needed it.

Illustration for article titled I Svended the Cavalier the other day, for the first time since... January...