It's Been a Hot Minute...

Illustration for article titled Its Been a Hot Minute...
Photo: Me

Some of you know me. Some of you don’t. Either way, it’s been a rough, crazy couple of years since I’ve been around Oppo. But I’m back for the Oppo Hunt, along with Westley, the Dread Pirate Trunkmonkey. Together we sail the Black Pearl, my Dodge conversion camper van. (Plus occasional scouting missions on GI Joe, my Kawasaki KLR650.)


I haven’t done much traveling yet, but I’ve been spending time looking up cool local places that fit some categories and planning routes to hit a bunch at a time. (My old delivery driver skills pay off.) I’m not playing to win, just for fun, and inspiration for some road trips on two wheels and four.

Illustration for article titled Its Been a Hot Minute...
Photo: Me

Oh, and to finish. The last time I entered an Oppo Rally didn’t end so well, with two blown turbos on the Ford Flex causing an early retirement. This time I’m not running any turbos, so that can’t possibly happen to me again.