How's it Going, Oppo?

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Hope everyone’s doing well and staying healthy and safe. Not much going on in my area, relatively speaking. 931 is doing pretty good, still needs a new windshield and alignment. But I think I’ve finally halted all the oil leaks the car has had since Day 1!


The Mustang has it’s fourth and currently worst case of “Ford can’t prep aluminum hoods worth a damn” (aka, corrosion under the paint), so I’ll probably take it to the dealership for that within the month.

Illustration for article titled Hows it Going, Oppo?

My summer internship that was supposed to have started last month will begin on June 15th. Not sure how much will be on-site or remote, but I’m looking forwards to it and getting off unemployment.

I hope all of you and your families are well and safe during these very turbulent times.