Need some opinions

I’m debating on some custom touches to the Crown Vic. Mainly to make it look different than a bog standard old cop car. Help ditch the cheap look to a degree and just make it my own. Modernize the car a little exterior wise. Just some stuff I notice on alot of newer cars.

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I’m thinking about giving my Vic the white out to a degree treatment.

Similar to the CHP all white units. Picture above is the Casper build, which is to emulate the same look, but he added the pushbar.

My pushbar will be gone. I want to ditch the cop look as much as possible but still be able to enjoy some of the heavy duty parts they get. I could have got a regular old CV and done it, but I already have a CVPI and it’s in good shape considering.

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Something similar to this picture. Paint the surround of the grille but leave the honeycomb part its black/gray color. Do the mirror caps. Black out the white between the windows, blacked out the chrome window trim, hit the back with the all white look. Add a set of lightly smoke tail lights to bring contrast back there.

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Black window treatment, like I’d plan to do. Just helps loose the literal only piece of chrome, and makes the windows look cleaner. Like alot of newer cars already do.

I’d probably paint the door handles too, to help loose the cheap look.

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Add the rear spoiler and here’s what a black roof looks like. Kinda makes it look like it has a glass roof. I think the white on the tail lights is a little too much for me.

It’s small touches that would catch peoples eyes, make it alot different than the average crown vic and give it a touch of those newer cars that it would have never got.

I’m also torn on the door moldings. I currently have them removed on my car, mainly because it was falling off. I discovered a small OEM type hole in the door that was hidden under it.

So anyone got any thoughts? Yay, nay? I know it’s alot of white, but adding a smidge of contrast here and there will help break it up and make it unique without being gawdy.