Wasn't gonna do one of these....

Illustration for article titled Wasnt gonna do one of these....
Image: Haha fuck you kinja.

But I am. This place has meant so much to me for so long, I haven’t posted a ton but I guaran-fucking-tee that I’ve refreshed oppo at least 50 times a day, every single day for at least the last three years. Especially now, when so much of the internet is so fucking toxic, I’ve been able to just avoid the political stuff and take shelter here. I certainly don’t always agree with everybody here but the ability to find common ground and shared interests here is something we sorely need, at least those of us in the US. So I’ll be keeping tabs on the various life rafts to see where we end up and I still hope to meet many of you in person someday, but in the meantime, thank you. This has been my only form of social media for at least five years, and I really do feel like I know a lot of you even if I’m not necessarily super memorable on here, and that’s meant a lot and I wish you all the best that 2020 has left to offer.
