Screw you honeysuckle

The pile you see here is almost entirely honeysuckle I’ve cut over the last two days. The peak of the pile is over my head, and I’m 6ft 4. Before cutting this I took two truckloads that were just below the height of the cab of my truck to the local yard waste disposal place. This will probably be an extra three trips.

What little is left I’ll have to get my neighbors help with because there’s no way to cut it and keep it from falling into their yard.

Illustration for article titled Screw you honeysuckle

The fun part?

The yard waste place’s hours are Thursday’s from 8-12; I go into work at 7. Then they’re open the first Saturday of each month. So to get rid of this before next month I’ll have to take a day off work.


Next step, I’m going to put up some fencing to keep the dogs out and ask the guys that run my in-laws farm what they use when they want to say fuck you to anything that tries to grow somewhere they don’t want it.

After salting the earth through this year I’ll try and get grass to grow in the spring.