Motoring morons in their natural habitat

Well that shitshow was sure fun to watch. And these are supposed to be functioning adults, with driving licenses?

Description from the recorder “I literally just got my Model 3 set up with the dash cam feature and captured this. The cuts are because Tesla keeps the videos in 1 minute segments. I probably could have got this smoother, but I’m no video editor.


Brief timeline:

0:32 – White SUV cuts off black SUV

0:40 – Black SUV gets pissed, pulls in front of white SUV and comes to a complete stop

0:55 – Having not noticed these previous events, I assume the black SUV is disabled

1:05 – I think the black SUV is pulling over to get out of traffic

1:10 – I start to realize something is amiss. I just let them do their thing.

1:30 – I vacillate between trying to get close enough to capture this for possible police involvement and trying not to get involved myself.

1:42 – White SUV finally overtakes black SUV.

1:55 – Black SUV overtakes white SUV again.

2:03 – Black SUV maybe hits/side swipes the white SUV, who is now off of the side of the highway.

2:33 – Black SUV almost runs the white SUV into the guide rail.

2:44 – White SUV overtakes and both cars pull off onto the shoulder. I had moved into their lane in hopes of getting their license plates. Looks like I did earlier in the video, but I didn’t know that at the time.


A few seconds later I call police.”