I am literally spending 10+ hours this week just watching a game cutscene movie

I have heard of the Witcher series on the interwebs, all I knew was that he is a Monster hunter with sorceress girlfriends in a Medieval Europe based fantasy continent.

But ever since Henry Cavil was announced as the Witcher for the 2019 Netflix series, I was curious to learn more. I have been watching a few lore +games explained videos and finally decided to start from the 3rd game directly and watch it like a movie because it was highly rated and popular. I am a sucker for good medieval fantasy after all.


I am about half way through and the story is very interesting, and so are the characters. The game itself seems to be visually striking with some great monster designs and I love that it doesn’t hold back with the Mature rating. I’d probably not play it myself though because I am a very casual gamer (and bad at that), The only games I’ve played consistently are racing,flight sims and AOE2.

Just putting it out there to see if anyone else has played the game/read the books. Anyway here’s the link in case anyone’s interested: