2020 Kia Mouth of Sauron aka kdm K7 aka usdm Cadenza

Illustration for article titled 2020 Kia Mouth of Sauron aka kdm K7 aka usdm Cadenza
Illustration for article titled 2020 Kia Mouth of Sauron aka kdm K7 aka usdm Cadenza
Illustration for article titled 2020 Kia Mouth of Sauron aka kdm K7 aka usdm Cadenza
Illustration for article titled 2020 Kia Mouth of Sauron aka kdm K7 aka usdm Cadenza
Interior looks good
Interior looks good

And yes, apparently they think there’s still a market for it in the US. They should give it AWD this time around to make it more competitive methinks.
