
Illustration for article titled Healthlopnik

I haven’t been to a doctor in 12 years, and I finally went. I’m still trying to process all that I’ve had happen to me. Note that this is somewhat personal, so if you don’t want to read it, you can move on.


My doctor was recommended to me as someone with a good manner and specializes in gay men’s health issues. Even so, it took me a while to actually book the appointment. This is due to the fact that I absolutely hate talking on the telephone to people I don’t know.

Because I live out 40 miles from Atlanta, I drive in on the day of the appointment, and sign in. We have a consultation about myself, and he wants to get me tested and bloodwork done so I can be prescribed Truvada. This is because I’ve been forcing myself to get out of my house, meet other guys and make some friends. My doctor wants me to be on it as the Southeast has the highest HIV infection rates in the US.


I have never been so frightened in my life during the blood draw and giving me an immunization (I’m terrified of needles), but the initial vitals look good. Resting heart rate looks fine, blood pressure is in a very good range. The only vital that is seems off is the fact that the scale read 281 lbs. I suppose I’ll have to go on the Colin Chapman diet for track days.

Fortunately, on Monday, the lab work came back and my prescription is currently on order at the pharmacy (because their ordering got backed up because of the holiday). They did tell me that because of my insurance and Gilead’s co-pay assist program, I will be able to have my prescription for $0 out of my pocket.


So I suppose this is good news. It’s more of me growing and being more of an adult and taking charge of my health, and the health challenges that I face as a gay man.