Stopping for Arepas plus a rambling story.

Illustration for article titled Stopping for Arepas plus a rambling story.

Considering how few of these were shipped over here it is surprising how many people I come across that know about them. It seems like every other time I go for a drive someone will bring up owning one or knowing someone from highschool that had one and such.


Just today while one a drive up to Estes Park I noticed an black ioniq gaining on me. I pulled over at the nearest slower vehicle passing shoulder only to have the driver pull up alongside me. I was kinda worried thinking “shit, what did I do?” Only to have him explain that he owned one back in the day.

We had a small chat about the car, he thanked me for pulling over and took off.

Also lunch for today are Arepas which I’m waiting for while I type up this rambling post.