It's All In...

Parts for my new PC! Browse Oppo in Windows 10 with octocore hyper threading power!

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Asus Prime X470 Pro with a AMD Ryzen 2700x 8 core 16 thread CPU. AMD Radeon 5700 graphics. Almost went with a Nvidia 1660ti,but this is newer and 20% faster according to gpu.userbenchmark. Plus AMD CPU + AMD graphics.

The RAM is 2x 8GB DDR4 3200mhz. No fancy lights, im cheap :)

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The ol ASUS Z77 with Intel i 2700k CPU. Still going strong, but aging.

I’ll be removing the fan controller (never used it much) and eventually the manual case light controller and get one that uses ASUS Aura lighting software.

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Illustration for article titled Its All In...

Ooo metal!

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Ooo plastic.

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with a metal griddle!

Cant wait to build. I’ll be keeping the same case, PSU (Seasonic X650 gold), and fans. Maybe some RGB fans down the road. Will be giving the empty case a deep clean with the air compressor.


I’ll sell the i7 CPU and motherboard and use the profits to get a bigger monitor. Hopefully a 32 inch :D