Ouch, worth it

Autocross today was good. It was quite hot at the Michelin Proving Grounds in Laurens, South Carolina, but nice to have a very different type of course set up possible since it is so open. I may need to invest in driving gloves - or relax my grip on the steering wheel.

Illustration for article titled Ouch, worth it

Finally figured out how to best set up my car with the suspension changes I did over the winter. Some good sliding and rotating of the car. Held on to second in class, my common role.

Illustration for article titled Ouch, worth it

The last time I actually lost skin was at the same site, so maybe it’s something about the particular asphalt surface there (probably not). Big impact on my weak, soft office hands.

Start line after packing up the cones
Start line after packing up the cones