That is approval, right?

In the course of a long drive today, my wife and I discussed the idea of keeping my GTI for a long time. Seemed the perfect time to say, “I have been very, very, very, very seriously thinking about getting a toy car.”

Her response was, “Keep thinking.”

That’s not a no.

So, I’m still hoping someone might help me with a carfax, and that I’ll be able to get the owner to show me the C5Z.


[Edit] This evening I told a family member that I was going to get a Corvette in front of my wife.


The woman said, “Are you really?” My wife turned and said, “No.” I said, “Yes, I’ve just got to find the right one, that’s cheap enough.”

So, there is both a continuation of the conversation as well as a certain amount of assertion that this will happen.


I’m sure that it will be a topic again this weekend. I’m not asking a question, just getting her used to the idea. 19 years married, we know how to live well together, and sometimes it’s a dance.