Did a Thing

Namely, got the van sprayed this weekend. I took it over to my dad’s Thursday night to keep it out of the storm. Then me and the oldest daughter went over Saturday morning to get to work:

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Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Got everything masked off then pulled it in the shed:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Wiped it down, then laid on the sealer:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Once the sealer had tacked up, I went to laying on the new color:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Then we unmasked the middle so it could all get cleared:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Then it was on to laying clear coat:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Threw another coat of clear on the bar while everything was apart:

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Let everything tack up, then backed it out, got it unmasked, and put back together:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Another shot once she was home:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Then we had friends over and grilled out, followed by going carp shooting. Sunday morning we did our errands, then spent more time chillin with friends.

Yesterday I got ambitious and decided to get my bar back together with my new Hella lights, clean up overspray, and remount my flaps:

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing
Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

Now I’m just waiting for my friend to get my fairing and dash pieces airbrushed so I can finish putting it back together.

All in all I’m very happy with the color combo. A little mishap with the clear coat left me with some bad areas in the paint (DAD YOU CAN’T MIX CLEAR COATS! Even my daughter knew this!):

Illustration for article titled Did a Thing

I was going to let it cure and sand it all out to respray it, but I’ve decided to wet sand it down and buff it once it’s cured instead. As it stands it’s a great 10ft’r, once it’s buffed out it’ll be fine.