At It Again

Still unhappy with how the van looked, I decided to give it one more shot at wet-sanding/buffing.

So I sanded the passenger side out:

Had already started buffing before I figured I should document
Had already started buffing before I figured I should document

Then I stared buffing:

Illustration for article titled At It Again
Holy Glass Batman!
Holy Glass Batman!

Got the fender to buff out beautifully, then I set into the rest of the side:

Illustration for article titled At It Again

So far it’s glassing out beautifully. When I get home tonight I’ll set off doing the rest of it assuming the weather holds.

Then tomorrow I have to go help a good friend get his hemp replanted, so I’ll be off working on the van. It looks like morning rain Sunday, so I should be able to finish it up after the rain on Sunday.