CL shopping with JJ's favorite (non-Jeep) search

Just some random curiosities from my favorite search: 1986 and older, RWD/4WD.

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I should love this car: two-tone, a real color, a classic car, an unusual design, but curiously I don’t. Still, pretty cool for a pretty reasonable (to me) price.


Not one but two Alfas up for sale, no price specified. Someone’s going to be very happy. (I’m curious what that car is in the foreground; this is a very intriguing garage.)

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I’m an absolute sucker for convertibles, and this Triumph would fit the bill nicely.

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And someone here might be interested in a cheap project car; I think these photos were taken on a disposable camera, processed at a local lab, and then the prints were photographed on a flip phone, and then finally texted to another phone for upload.

Illustration for article titled CL shopping with JJs favorite (non-Jeep) search

Either that or the photos date back to 1973, but I’m pretty sure I have family prints from that era that look better than these.
