Ideal 2-car garage... if you hate your significant other.

Relating to this post:


What two car garage would you have if you hated your significant other?

You know... like in the movie The War of the Roses.

And for single people, just think of your least-favourite ex-partner.

And like the other post, the other rules are the same:

  • Both have to be from the same brand. You cannot choose the mainstream and luxury version of the same manufacturer- eg. 1 Toyota and 1 Lexus not allowed.
  • New or nearly new only- 2019 to 2021
  • $100K total limit

And what I would pick would be this for me:

Illustration for article titled Ideal 2-car garage... if you hate your significant other.

And this for her

Illustration for article titled Ideal 2-car garage... if you hate your significant other.