Computer Recommendations

The Snuze household is in desperate need of a tech refresh. My faithful Lenovo ThinkPad from 2012 gave up the ghost the other week and now I’m stuck alternating between my 2007 MacBook (has MatLab for grad school) and my wife’s 2010 Acer. We also have a 2011 iPad that barely holds a battery charge.

I know what I need in a laptop, but I am thinking of getting the Mrs. a new computer for Christmas. She likes using the iPad and only pulls her laptop out if has to, so I’m thinking about a 2-in-1 machine to replace both. Basically it needs to have Windows (she doesn’t like change), be able to run MS Office and browse the internet, and I want something that’s at least a little above “base spec” so it will continue to function after rounds of updates, security fixes, etc. I’d like to be around the $500 but there’s some wiggle room there.


I’m thinking something like this:


I’ve also seen the Asus VivoBook 14" and Dell has the Inspiron 12" which is smaller but also closer to the $400 mark.  

Thoughts? Recommendations? Things to avoid? Am I asking for too much?