Secret Senna!........ Volume 1?

The UPS man arrived today and brought with him a box of mystery.

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Upon opening the package I discovered the following items: Drill brushes with extension, Engine bay cleaner, and the absolutely weirdest looking gift bag I have ever seen. No clue what is in it. I must confess, while grateful, I was rather confused for a bit until I understood the message 😆 My Secret Senna REALLY needed me to clean the engine bay of my car. This suspicion was backed up a short time later when I found this cheeky note. Thank you, and message received. Ive never cleaned and engine bay in my life but I now have the tools to make that happen so be on the look out for that. Should be fun.

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So, what is in the mysterious gift bag? Lets examine the note attached the ribbon, shall we?

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Hold on..... I get all this? And there is still more on the way? Im honored. Ive already received as many gifts as I received from my whole family for Christmas. Anyways I’m off track.

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Illustration for article titled Secret Senna!........ Volume 1?

Its the ultimate 10mm socket set of course! regular sockets, Extended sockets, bendy sockets, super extended sockets, even murdered out stealth sockets with built in magnets. Yay!! As an owner of two Honda motorcycles and two Toyota cars this is a life saver.

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Thank you so much. I’m refraining from guessing yet who my secret benefactor is until after the second package arrives but I have some guesses. Secret Senna was loads of fun and im definitely eager to go all out next Christmas.


Bonus content: hee hee spelling error.

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Bonus Bonus Content: Pulled the CB350 out of the garage today. Drained the old gas out and put new gas in the tank, aired up the tires, checked the air filters to make sure no rodents had taken up residence. Looking forward to getting a job again so I have money to repair the bike and get it running for this season.

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