Met up with my car club today.

I haven’t met with them in a couple years because they’re two hours away and it’s harder to go that far with an 18-month-old son and other assorted adult responsibilities. Today, we made time and went up for a cruise and a tour of the Jim Beam distillery.

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Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.
Illustration for article titled Met up with my car club today.

We did a spirited cruise through some curvy Kentucky backroads. I put my car in “sport” mode. It was so fun! It’s like a totally different car with that turned on.

On the way home, my blind spot monitor started acting up. If it continues, I’ll have to go to the dealer. Hopefully, it was just a fluke. *fingers crossed*