Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.

Drove the Sunbird about 20 miles to a tiny town I used to live in as a child for their annual car show.

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Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.

And, discovered a mouse has built a nest in the engine bay.

Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.

Got to stop that in its tracks before some wires get chewed. Any advice?

The car is stored in a pole-barn type building surrounded by cornfields. The fields have recently been harvested, which leads me to believe a displaced field mouse set up shop in the car’s engine bay. I drive it once a month at the least, but apparently that isn’t enough.


I also filled up (with non-ethanol gas) today and discovered the Sunbird is also becoming quite the fuel miser.

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The station I go to has attendants that fill up your car for you, and they always top it off to the nearest dollar amount. I think that has been skewing my MPG readings, as I asked the guy not to do that this time and I got a more believable number like this. All other thanks have been 24 MPG or less.

Anyway, here are some other vehicles I found interesting at the show:

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Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.
Illustration for article titled Car show today! And the Sunbird has an uninvited guest.

The two-tone Nova ended up winning best in show.