Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.

Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.
Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.

Let me tell you: these aftermarket seat heaters are NICE. They heat up fast and they are very warm. They have two levels, as pictured on the switch below:

Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.

The highest level is almost too warm for me, but I’m hot natured. My cold-natured coworker rode in the passenger seat and said the second level was perfect. No other visible changes to the seats.

Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.

The remote start, as posted previously, works well. I can do it via pressing the “lock” button on the OEM fob three times or through the DroneMobile app, as pictured below:

Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.
Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.
Illustration for article titled Heated seats and remote start. My 6 is now how I wanted it when I bought it four years ago.

The only thing that concerns me is the eventual adverse effect on my car’s battery by that Drone thing.

We’ll see, I guess. Overall, I’m happy. I have a 2016 car with 45,000 miles and zero car payment but all the features I want. Win?