A Citroën, unexpectedly

This one. An AX, common once but I haven’t seen one in ages.

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Let’s do a little unpacking.

It’s lhd, so foreign.

No plates

French. How can we tell without plates? Because it’s got an A for apprenti in the back window. It’s the French for an L plate.


Driver’s door forced open, air of dereliction. Abandoned then. Some French person came to live here with their old AX, it gave trouble, has absolutely zero resale value because lhd, left it by the road.

It was cheap, because it’s a 10RE, so 1.0 engine and base spec.

Allowing for the obvious damage the body is in surprisingly good condition for a notoriously flimsy car with no signs of rust from the outside.


Three stud wheels, because French.