I fixed a thing!

By swapping out parts rather than actually repairing anything it must be said.

My phone’s camera wasn’t focussing and its UBS port was charging but not transferring data so out with the old and in with the new.


Here we find the old:

Illustration for article titled I fixed a thing!
Photo: Yours truly

Yes, they can fit an autofocus camera into a box about 1cm square nowadays.

Photo: Yours truly

Picture taken with its replacement.

So, about €20 for the two delivered. Didn’t stop there though because I got a phone repair kit and a set of fantastically tiny screwdrivers just so I could get the required T2.

Photo: Yours truly

In the event the tricky bit was separating the screen and case. The triangular tool wasn’t fine enough or strong enough so I had to resort to the smallest regular driver bit to get the ball rolling as it were. After that it’s just a matter of following You Tube instructions, disconnecting and reconnecting tiny connectors and unscrewing and replacing impossibly tiny 2.9 and 3.0 mm screws.


Everything seems to work so far.