Chevelle Update

I was out of town for work most of the past week; in the past few days I have:

Finished sheetmetal removal from the front end. All removed parts have been pressure washed and stowed in the basement, because there’s nowhere else I have room for them indoors.

Illustration for article titled Chevelle Update
Illustration for article titled Chevelle Update

Had a visit from Ralph, the groundhog who sometimes hangs out on the deck. He likes to nap in the sun sometimes. Hadn’t seen him in a while...

I also caught up on the backlog of people telling me to take a hike, by taking a hike. Here’s the view from a ledge of a quarry where they got the stone to build a bunch of the locks on the Ohio/Erie canal.

Illustration for article titled Chevelle Update

Finally, I pressure washed the new/old 350 that I’ll be rebuilding to get the loose stuff off (it’s still filthy) and got it on the stand in the garage. Looking forward to tearing into it. If anyone needs random ancillary smallblock stuff, let me know. I’m pretty much only keeping the shortblock.

For some reason it’s way easier to roll around my cracked garage floor on this stand than it was hanging from the hoist, which has much larger casters.
For some reason it’s way easier to roll around my cracked garage floor on this stand than it was hanging from the hoist, which has much larger casters.

I made a relevant big purchase last night, should be here mid-week.